Single and Ready to Mingle: A Guide to Enjoying the Holidays Without a Plus

The holidays bring us together with families and friends, but they also often bring new pressures and expectations.Do you dread going out with friends during the holiday season because you always seem to be surrounded by groups of couples? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to attract "the perfect mate" while "Me, Myself and I" is becoming your anthem? Are you single and ready to mingle? This holiday season you don’t have to sit at home alone feeling sorry for yourself. Whether you're looking for love or simply want to enjoy some quality time with friends and family, there are plenty of opportunities for singles over the holidays, from festive gatherings with friends and family to fun group activities. You'll be able to meet new people, try something new, and take some bomb photos. The key is choosing an event that fits your lifestyle, budget, and interests.

 Here are 10 ways to stay happy during the holidays.

1. Binge watch your favorite movies and sitcoms to bring back nostalgic memories.
2. Create an entire vibe with festive decorations in your home.
3. Splurge, and buy whatever you want. Make the word “ No” not exist for one day.
4. Take it back to when you were a kid and have a girls night sleepover with your closest friends. (If 21+ no need to sneak alcohol to the "poorrrrtyyyyy" this time around.)
5. Take time to learn a new recipe and bring it the family holiday gathering this year.
6.Host a game night with friends/ or family. Have competitive fun. If a large group make it single vs. couples ( Chileeee, cancel this step if there are more couples than singles. Shit may make matters worse lol)
7. Get your “New-New” on and do a skating outing with the kids in the family.
8. Make candles in the comfort of your home. ( Hobby Lobby has everything you need.)
9. Have a spa day with your best friend. If you’re super creative host it at home with y’alls favorite snacks.
10. Try out speed dating for fun. You never know you just may meet “The One"
 It takes time and effort to build a lasting relationship. Although dating apps and websites give you the opportunity to connect with new people, don't expect to meet “Prince Charming" at first sight. Be patient, have fun, and don’t panic! Cherish your single years, for they won’t last forever. Now is the only time you can “selfishly" only worry about your wants and needs solely. Take advantage, and live it up! Happy Holiday Season!
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